File input with camera support on mobile.
You can drag-and-drop image files from your desktop or images embedded into other web pages anywhere in the area the component occupies. The images are directly scanned and positive results are indicated by the onDetect
Type: BarcodeFormat[]
Default: ["qr_code"]
Configure the barcode formats to detect. By default, only QR codes are detected.
If you want to detect multiple formats, pass an array of formats:
Under the hood, the standard BarcodeDetector API is used. Support varies across devices, operating systems and browsers. All components will prefer to use the native implementation if available and otherwise falls back to a polyfill implementation.
Note that even if the native implementation is available, the component still might use the polyfill. For example, if the native implementation only supports the format 'qr_code'
but the you select the formats ['qr_code', 'aztec']
Type: (detectedCodes: DetectedBarcode[]) => void
Callback function that is called when a barcode is detected.
It receives an array of detected barcodes, one callback per image dropped.
If not barcode is detected, the array will be empty.
Type: (isDraggingOver: boolean) => void
Callback function that is called when a file is dragged over the drop zone.
Type: (error: Error) => void
Callback function that is called when an error occurs.
TODO: insert link to errors.
Browser Support
This component depends on the File Reader API which is widely supported in modern browsers.